The Man That Struck O'Hara

Last night to Dan O'Hara's house a lot of good boys went,
We had a splendid supper, and a pleasant time we spent-
But in every company there's a fool who makes a lot of fuss,
And upsets all the harmony-'twas just the same with us.

First we mopped the floor with him, dragged him up and down the stairs.
Then we had another go under tables, over chairs;
Such a sight you never saw-before he'd time to say his prayers.
Rags and bones were all we left of the man that struck O'Hara.

You never saw such value, boys, there never was such fun,
He wanted to apologize before we'd half begun;
We wanted no apology, for that would do no good,
But to wipe out that gross insult, we meant to have his blood.- Chorus.

At first we played with him, like a cat will with a mouse,
We chased him in the corners, and, in fact, all 'round the house;
He shouted, mercy and police, it's time that you were done!
But when he shouted murder! oh, 'twas then we had the fun.-Chorus.
